

  低溫真空冷萃法是將物材以急速凍結為固態,在適當真空的條件下使冰昇華為水蒸氣,而除去物材中含水的方法(約16h∼24h)。對於提高一些化學、物理、生物性不穩定的植物製劑的穩定性是一種非常有效的方法,有些植物製劑的水溶液不太安定,加熱又容易破壞藥品結構,以此方式所生產的植物製劑既可顧及有效性、安全性。透過該物材被真空凍結乾燥一定程度後,經超微米粉碎及真空殺菌;隨即進入真空腔與所需製劑液進行減壓融合反應(約2h∼3h)。待融合反應完成後進行真空室多層膜無菌過濾去除雜質(< 0.001),並將該液劑微分子化使胺基酸與蛋白質分子量更小更容易吸收。經低溫真空冷萃法的原液保有物材特有能量反應,主因含有完整各種元素之取得。相較於傳統萃取需更高濃度(約4∼8倍)方能達到原有的效用,卻不一定達到應有的效果。

  低溫真空冷萃法是一種違反常態的取得技術。在我們生活所認知中100℃ 為水的沸點,但在真空狀態下60℃ 即是水的沸點。而100℃是破壞胺基酸與蛋白質最大殺手。雖說100℃ 可殺死許多細菌,但在真空狀態進行下是無氧無菌,並具有滅菌作用。本公司所投入之水品質是以百萬級微電腦控制超純水設備取得,非一般離子用水。
  低溫真空冷萃法才是真正低溫取得技術。市面上有所謂低溫技術大多是常態中25∼70℃ 進行,但有無氧無菌的工作環境嗎?無菌有(100∼1000um無菌室),無氧時工作人員就要揹氧氣筒工作。(病毒實驗室規範才有氧氣輸送整套設置設備)








Low Temperature Vacuum Biochemical Extract technology is used to quickly freeze the material into a solid state. Under certain vacuum conditions, the ice will evaporate into steam, and removing water from the material (about 16h~24h) helps to stabilize the chemical, physical and biological properties of the herbal matter during the manufacturing process. Low Temperature Vacuum Biochemical Extract technology is very efficient and safe to stabilize the biochemical herbal liquid extract and also avoid that the product's biological structure be destroyed during heating. Through the vacuum freeze drying, micro-nano grinding and vacuum sterilization technologies, the extract will be sent to the vacuum chamber and undergo the low pressure fusion reaction (about 2h~3h). After completing the fusion reaction, the extract will pass through the vacuum multi-layer membrane sterile filter in order to remove the impurities (0.001) that causes the amine and protein in the liquid molecule extract to be absorbed easily. The material extract will retain its original elements through the low temperature vacuum biochemical extracting technology. In comparison with the traditional extract technology, the vacuum biochemical extract technology can produce a higher concentrate (about 4 ~ 8 times higher).

Low Temperature Vacuum Biochemical Extract is a technology creates special processing conditions. Most people know that the boiling point of the water is 100. But in a vacuum, 60 is the boiling point of the water, and at 100 water will destroy the amine and protein. In theory, water at 100 can kill bacteria; however, the bacteria cannot survive in a vacuum. Our company uses micro-computer worth millions of dollars (NTD) to control and obtain purified water instead of normal ionized water.

Low Temperature Vacuum Biochemical Extract is the technology applied to low temperatures. The normal low temperature technology is processed under 25~70. But it is not performed in a vacuum and sterilized environement. In a disinfected vacuumc hamber(100~1000um disinfection chamber), operators have to wear oxygen inhalators to work (Only virus laboratories are equipped with complete oxygen supply systems).

Low Temperature Vacuum Biochemical Extract technology can produce a highly concentrated extract. Through micro-nano technology, the contacted surface of material powder will increase and dissolve the material efficiently and obtain the extract at a low temperature. In addition, at a low temperature vacuum chamber, all elements of the material will generate active catalytic reactions (e.g. the Glutamic Acid will be catalyzed and produce γ-Aminobutyric acid)

Low Temperature Vacuum Biochemical Extract technology can extract and purify the essence of the material. Through the multi-layer sterile filter in the vacuum chamber, the impurities of the material will be removed (0.001) and the dissolution will increase to 99.999%. Each drop of extract has been filtered via a 5mm multi-layer membrane. Each extract a finished product, produced by Low Temperature Vacuum Biochemical Extract technology, has to go through the ultraviolet sterilization before completing the manufacture process.


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